Fascia Membrane, Freeze-Dried

Buying Group Codes:
AVP: Not Coded
CDMV: Not Coded
VP: Not Coded
WDDC: Not Coded

Size: 6 cm²
Sale price$364.50


Membranes are flexible grafts that have a variety of applications. They are available in different forms: Ossiflex™ (flexible bone membranes) and Fascia (fascia lata grafts). Each has different handling characteristics, but all serve to provide a membrane barrier and guide. All VTS membrane products are biocompatible and biodegradable and ultimately are replaced by the patient’s own tissues, no removal is necessary. They can be sutured into place.

In dentistry they are primarily used as a barrier for Guided Tissue/Bone Regeneration purposes to prevent premature epithelial and fibroblast in-growth into areas of bone healing. They can also be used to bridge bone defects (e.g., cleft palates), close fistulae (e.g. oro-nasal fistulae).

In orthopedics, fascia grafts can be used to bolster partially ruptured tendons or patch dural or rotator cuff defects.

Fascia from VTS are processed and freeze-dried fascia lata allografts. Fascia is a natural collagen scaffold that allows for integration with the host tissues; cellular ingrowth organizes along the native fibers inherent in fascia. During the integration phase it provides a barrier for GTR procedures. It is thinner and somewhat more flexible than the Ossiflex Bone Membranes.

2.0 x 3.0 cm sheet (~6 cm²)
(Freeze-Dried or Frozen)
Can be used wherever biological material is needed
3.0 x 5.0 cm sheet (~15 cm²)
(Freeze-Dried or Frozen)
Can be used wherever biological material is needed

✔ Tissue Regeneration (GTR) 1-6
✔ Fistulas
✔ Palates
✔ Facial Defects

Guided Tissue Regeneration Placing a membrane between bone graft and soft tissue avoids premature soft tissue in-growth.
Oronasal Fistulas While thin and flexible, Fascia are strong enough to keep food particles from traveling through oronasal defects.
Cleft Palates and Cranio-Facial Defects Fascia are also ideal for treating cranio-maxillo-facial defects. For example, they can be used to support mucoperiosteal advancement flaps for closure of palatal defects.

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