The Steri Soaker is an efficient, high-volume germicide tray designed for maximum use of chemicals to clean/disinfect/sterilize instruments. Designed for easy cleaning and is large enough to accommodate Zirc Steri Containers, Cassettes, Bur Blocks and Bur Guard.
Calendar on lid conveniently reminds staff when to change the solution: use color code rings to mark dates
Transfer basket's ribbed and perforated design allows quick drain-off and easy pick-up of instruments
Holds 1 gallon of liquid: fill lines shown in quarts and liters - Safe to use chemicals: (enzymes, detergents)/ disinfectants (phenols)/cold sterilants for glutaraldehyde and chlorines
Hinges fitted cover
Dimensions: 13-7/8" x 9-5/8" x 5-1/8"
Contains Antimicrobial Protection
Surface Disinfect